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August 02, 2008



Wonderful photos Lori :) The frog is well, kinda surprising. The flowers are lovely and the clouds are great too.


o WOW!!! that last shot is truly breath taking!!! LOVE it. :)


o, and another thing - ur header is absolutely gorgeous too! :)


Hi the frog is happy:), i like the blue flower and the clouds is pretty looking...Mine is up also...


nice shots!

that is a nice idea - a 3-in-1 entry. i missed a couple of PH already and now you made me realized I can still submit a 3-in-1 entry too =)

Lori V.

Thanks, Julie. And, yes, he certainly surprised me!

Lori V.

Thank you for the props, mistyeiz! Flattery will get you everywhere, when it comes to my photography! LOL!

Lori V.

gengen, re: the frog. I guess he's as happy as he can be and still be dead from heat stroke... maybe. ???

Lori V.

Oh, yes, arlene. I am a firm believer in "not too late" when it comes to Photo Hunt! :-)


Scared to death, poor frog. Nice clouds looks like a storm was rolling in. Dew drop in http://wanderingwaves.blogspot.com/2008/08/photohunter-clouds.html sorry it's a blogger.

Suzanne Says...

Love that cloud photo! I see clouds like that rather often where I live, but I haven't yet captured them as well as you have. Great shot!


Beautiful shot! Have a great weekend!



oooh, that cloud shot is so nice, nice a little surprise to see the frog since I was anticipating a cloud shot, the flower is quite beautiful even without the water



Very nice I like the frog shot! My Clouds are also up! Thanks Kim


These are great shots. The frog one is distressing and cool at the same time. And I love the clouds!

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