It's been awhile since I've served up a crazy cute puppy with a sob story for you to "ooh" and "aah" over.
Our sixth dog at the "V" household is Lorcan. He was Eldest's ex-boyfriend's dog. XBF's mother is, I think, certifiably batshit, and was (and still is, as far as I know) constantly doing impulsive, ridiculous things that made normal people's jaws drop in amazement at the level of batshittery.
XBF's mother decided they were moving into an apartment to save money. She told XBF to find a place for Lorcan or he would be shipped off to a shelter. Nevermind the fact that they had owned Lorcan since he was a puppy, and was now six years old. Nevermind the fact that he was AKC registered. Nevermind that he was perfectly housebroken, a good watch dog, and knew all sorts of "people-pleasing doggy tricks" (you know, "sit"; "shake"; "high five"; etc.). She was ready to drop him like a bad habit.
We offered to take Lorcan if the apartments refused to allow animals. We made the mistake of letting him come to our house before La Loony Bitch made such inquiries. We ended up with a permanent house guest. A BIG permanent house guest.
He's lovely, and he's not going anywhere, but he's really a pain in the rear sometimes. He's unnaturally attached to Eldest, he's skittish, he tries to eat doesn't like little kids a whole lot, sometimes he's a little too effective in the watch dog department, and if we leave him out back too long he makes an incredible non-stop barking nuisance of himself. Come to think of it... WHY are we keeping him?
What a cute dog!
I read your post on rat mites. How did you ever get rid of them? I've been plagued by crazy mites for the past 5 months after a rat died in the attic of the house I was staying at. I've moved several times after and they keep following me. I run a blog on mites and keep looking for solutions. I know it's not in my head as some 10 people have caught them from me and a cat. Almost everyone got rid of them, except me and a couple others who still fight.
Posted by: Loviatar | April 09, 2008 at 07:12 PM
The picture shows why you keep the dog. Too cute! And sleeps well with others, apparently. Lucky Lorcan to have found you.
Posted by: cathy | April 10, 2008 at 03:06 PM
I thought Lorcan was some sort of prescription drug... no, apparently, that's Lortab. Regardless, he's a beautiful boy! XBF's loss, your gain.
Posted by: RedMolly | April 10, 2008 at 07:07 PM
Ah, another sucker! lol We now have a miniature mutt (possibly some scotty in him) because someone made a comment about coyotes and the "cycle of life" within our hearing. Do you think they could possibly have done that on purpose?!! lol
Posted by: Byrningbunny | April 12, 2008 at 01:26 PM