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March 06, 2008


Diane MacEachern


Thanks for making Big Green Purse one of your 13 Things! That really rocks!!
Diane MacEachern

P.S. If you want to link the book title to the book page, it's at www.biggreenpurse.com. :-)

Anon Mom

ah, when christian's chin quivered that little bit, i just wanted to give him a hug.

thanks for the gift!


Oooh ooh I won I won I won! Thank you so much! Yaaaay! You have my address, no? Need me to send it again?

Diane, please let me know if you'd like an e-mail when I put a review of the book up on my blog.

Blue Like the Sky

Oh, oatmeal dominatrix, please share your tricks. Did you master a crockpot technique?


Pistol Pete

I was really hooked on Jodi Picoult for a while. Her novels are wonderfully compelling. I could never figure out the outcome until the last page or two.

Lori V.

Pete, I totally agree. And, as I've admitted here:


I am notorious for reading the end of the novel when I can't stand the suspense any longer, then go back to where I left off and finish the book. I call it my "literary orgasms." Heh.


yea :) I'm so happy! My doggie will be happy too- I'll get a picture of her "sitting pretty" for them :)

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