...that I'm thinkin' 'bout on Thursday...
1. ...winners from my Blogiversary Giveaways! Congrats to Jeff at Biking Duluth (Greenies & Pet Promise dog food sample), Caroline in NH at Fiber Arts & Furry Critters (Bush's Last Day keychain), Hootin' Anni (CD of ten of my photographic images), Andree at Meeyau (Feline Greenies & Pet Promise cat food sample), Molly at RedMolly Picayune-Democrat (a copy of Diane MacEachern's book Big Green Purse), and Anonymous Mom at Tenuous at Best (handcrafted journal)! If I don't hear from each of you within 24 hours, I will contact you. I'm asking until next Saturday (hopefully won't need that long) to get everything ready to ship.
2. ...my complete and utter domination at the art of oatmeal. I have mastered my "perfect oats." No extra liquid, but not too dry either. MMMMM.
3. ...philosophical subjects like evil and faith. I've determined that the basis for one's faith in an idea or entity is a positive and memorable event that the person attributes, whether correctly or incorrectly, to that idea or entity. For example, my husband sees, on a regular basis, the healing and saving of lives. He attributes that to the science of medicine; his faith, therefore, lies in the scientific.
4. ...suicide. Not mine, no. The book I'm reading, Jodi Picoult's The Pact, is about a failed teen suicide pact, where the surviving teen is charged with murder.
5. ...how terrible I am at poker. Some friends of ours have bought a table at a local "Casino Night" fundraiser and have graciously asked Hubby & I to go. I know not a damn thing about poker, but I will throw down with the best of them when intoxicated, I'm sure.
6. ...Texas's crazy caucusing. We voted early to avoid voting day crowds, but then had to go out anyway for the caucusing portion of the night.
7. ...how terrifyingly easy it is to imagine Youngest as a drug addict. He has a very addictive personality anyway, and a bipolar individual's risk of addiction to drugs or alcohol is much higher than that of a normally functioning person. At thirteen, his drug of choice is Runescape or the Playstation 3; he will do anything, self-destructive or otherwise, to get his fix. Seeing his desperation while in Austin last weekend with limited Internet availability was truly amazing.
8. ...our freakish weather. It's snowing again. Hard. Remember, I was talking about the weather yesterday?
9. ...how hitting an already-dead, but still fresh, skunk on the highway is very, very bad. Very bad, indeed. I also discovered why so many of them seem to be hit on the road. Nearly impossible to see until the last minute. Poor buggers.
10. ...organ donation. My mom is down in Florida at a post-transplant checkup. She's doing amazingly well!
11. ...photography. I mentioned it's snowing again, right?
12. ...the Project Runway season finale last night. As I fully expected, Christian kicked ass. His clothes, while not designed for the everyday woman, were exquisite concoctions, full of ruffles and feathers. His runway music killed, too (created and arranged by Anonymous Mom's not-so-anonymous talented son). Way to go, Christian! I just want to eat him up like a cookie, he's so freakin' cute.
13. ...how I SO don't want to do the laundry and mop the floors.
Edited to add: I drove for six hours to accomplish what would usually take three.
Thanks for making Big Green Purse one of your 13 Things! That really rocks!!
Diane MacEachern
P.S. If you want to link the book title to the book page, it's at www.biggreenpurse.com. :-)
Posted by: Diane MacEachern | March 07, 2008 at 11:00 AM
ah, when christian's chin quivered that little bit, i just wanted to give him a hug.
thanks for the gift!
Posted by: Anon Mom | March 07, 2008 at 12:35 PM
Oooh ooh I won I won I won! Thank you so much! Yaaaay! You have my address, no? Need me to send it again?
Diane, please let me know if you'd like an e-mail when I put a review of the book up on my blog.
Posted by: RedMolly | March 07, 2008 at 05:41 PM
Oh, oatmeal dominatrix, please share your tricks. Did you master a crockpot technique?
Posted by: Blue Like the Sky | March 08, 2008 at 12:05 AM
I was really hooked on Jodi Picoult for a while. Her novels are wonderfully compelling. I could never figure out the outcome until the last page or two.
Posted by: Pistol Pete | March 08, 2008 at 06:49 AM
Pete, I totally agree. And, as I've admitted here:
I am notorious for reading the end of the novel when I can't stand the suspense any longer, then go back to where I left off and finish the book. I call it my "literary orgasms." Heh.
Posted by: Lori V. | March 08, 2008 at 08:19 AM
yea :) I'm so happy! My doggie will be happy too- I'll get a picture of her "sitting pretty" for them :)
Posted by: Jeff | March 12, 2008 at 11:29 AM