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January 27, 2008



Loved this!! You have done a fantastic job of listing bands/musicians in unusual categories and come up with some appropriate categories of your own!! Excellent use of the prompt!


Kenny Rogers?! Crap?!

You go too far, Miss L. You go too far.

(This sounds like fun. I'm going to try to play.)

Beautiful Witch

I love your quirky music list. I am with you on John Denver..."Leaving on a Jet Plane" is on my Ipod but if confronted with this knowledge I would lie lie lie. I also have some other weirdness like "Chim Chim Cheree" from Mary Poppins and "Beauty and the Beast". But really...Kenny Rogers?????!


Love your assortment and your words. I might be inclined to change my little mp3 player for something that can carry the 'weight'! Nice post!


Kenny Rogers? Now that brings back some memories. When I was in Jr. High, I was brave enough to love his music even though none of my friends did. For my Birthday, my parents took me to a Kenny Rogers concert. I remember dressing in jeans, a flannel shirt, and a cowboy hat. I think that he may still be performing in Vegas, if anyone is interested.


Give me rock anyday! Others I barely listen!

Great post!


keith hillman

Wow! what a list! Have to say I prefer classical and jazz myself - unless its heavy rock which I adore.

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