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August 08, 2007



Hmm... IMHO, #3 is more dangerous than not braking on curves... You can easily not brake on curves with a real car, you know, one with shifts... (Hihi, sorry for being euro-noxious). In a stick-shift, you take your foot of the gas and down-shift before the curve, no breaking necessary. Changing to neutral is something I really wouldn't do. You can easily loose control of the car if you need to brake suddenly. And I know that in Portugal it is illegal to drive barefoot, I think also for safety reasons. Image having no protection on your feet in an accident...

(Is my paranoid personality shining through a little too much here?)

Anyway, have fun.... (but be careful!)


I never knew this had a name.
And not braking around curves isn't scary at all as long as you concentrate.
As far as 55 mph, you get used to it. As long as you're in the right-most lane people don't usually bother you, and I drive all over Miami, where it's widely accepted that a 70 speed limit actually means 80.
I also try to not to stop at lights if they turn yellow when I'm not to far away from them, its a waste of gas and time


I used to do many of those things, but grew up to be too Type A to continue. In my city, coasting to a stop at a red light is guaranteed to get you rear-ended. The saying here is, "Red means 3 more cars!" And driving barefoot? No way. My sister broke her foot badly in an accident that way. My best bet is to try to replace as much driving with biking, I guess.

Have fun with Pru!

Ivo Beutler

There we go! Tips! I'd like to know something about the fourth tip you've given here. Could you share some science about it or something? But it is kinda cool to know that driving barefoot actually helps boost your mpg count.

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