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August 05, 2007


Rach (Heart of Rachel)

That's lovely! I like the translucent colors. It's unique and funky. Thanks for the visit.


That is such an unusual sculpture. There is color and lightness; the background color of the photo sets it off beautifully.


Hi , thanks for the visit, yes it was done in photoshop, i also use elements 4.
I bet that the sculptures look great along the beach front and i can appreciate why you like this one.

Cheers Mark


I would not have been able to pass this either, without taking a picture. I love coming across that kind of thing in unexpected places.


looks nice!

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The court of appeals granted the plaintiffs’ petition and overruled the trial court’s order. The court of appeals employed the balancing test found in Valley Bank. The court first found the objectors met the criteria to establish the requested documents were an invasion of their privacy. The plaintiffs then demonstrated that the requested information was directly relevant to their claims and essential to a fair resolution of the lawsuit. Thus, the information was discoverable. The court of appeals found that the trial court’s failure to analyze each category of requested information under the standard of Valley Bank was an abuse of discretion.

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