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May 15, 2007


Blue Like the Sky

I am humbled to be in such amazing company...and you did get me thinking of a couple of post ideas.


Wow, thank you very much for the praise!

Blue Like the Sky

I just inserted my first two links into my blog...one to you, Lori, and one to Body Worlds. I am slowly learning...


Heh. You are Teh Sweet!

I will put on my "finking" cap (Jim and I agree it'll be a sad day when Rhys learns to pronounce the th- sound) and respond in kind. Dammit. I'm really bad at finking.


ummmm, are you going to be mad if my picks are all things like "this blog makes me think about how celebrities shouldn't be allowed to dress themselves?" Because that's like the extent of my depth of thought right there.

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