One of the things I hate about having whichever of my emotional conditions that this is a symptom of, is that on rainy, gray, overcast, forlorn, or otherwise Eeyore-esque days, I feel like doing nothing. I feel no happiness, no inspiration, no... nothing. Nada. My soul and my personality feel just as blank as the day.
So, today, instead of writing something inspirational, I'll post up another Tuesday Ten list. What shall our subject be? How about... Ten Things You Didn't Know About Me (Unless You Live With Me)? Without further ado:
1. I find androgynous and slightly effeminate men incredibly sexy (i.e. Davey Havok, Criss Angel).
2. I love to take naps. But, often, I can't, no matter how hard I try.
3. I love board games. They totally rule. My favorites? Scrabble, Monopoly and Wise & Otherwise.
4. I have extremely diverse taste in music. All found on my iTunes: Enya; Arlo Guthrie; Butthole Surfers; Billy Joel; Dave Matthews Band; Britney Spears; The Flaming Lips; Harry Connick, Jr.; Marilyn Manson; Sheryl Crow; Red Hot Chili Peppers; Prokofiev.
5. I've never attended more than 1 year of college.
6. I am a Reality TV junkie. There's nothing like the occasional episode of "Flavor of Love" or "The Bachelor" to make you feel like your life is deep and meaningful.
7. I am not at all a social or gregorious person. A social event at which I know no one is akin to listening to William Hung sing "She Bangs" inside my head for hours.
8. I am very high-strung.
9. I absolutely love random bits of mostly useless knowledge. I read the Harper's Index religiously and devour Mental Floss magazine like candy.
10. Oftentimes, when reading a good book, if I can't stand the suspense any longer, I will read the end of the book, then flip back to where I was and continue reading. It's like a great big literary orgasm.
Hello, doppelganger! Wow... I'd invite you to a party so we could hang out, but we'd both just stand there awkwardly hating the situation. How about bonding over a game of Apples to Apples and an issue of Mental Floss instead?
(What Butthole Surfers do you have on your iPod? "Alcohol" is one of my favoritest songs ever.)
Posted by: RedMolly | April 17, 2007 at 11:12 PM
Britney Spears AND Marylin Manson?? Really? I always thought those two were mutually exclusive...
Posted by: Alina | April 18, 2007 at 06:36 AM
I love fiance and I get really competitive and it is so sweet to win (though I have been on a losing streak lately).
Posted by: vera | April 18, 2007 at 07:51 AM
You know I love board games!!! You high strung...never...LOL!
Posted by: Cindy | April 18, 2007 at 04:25 PM
Love Harpers. Eeyoresque is a great way of describing the weather here too this month. Blaaaah.
Posted by: karrie | April 19, 2007 at 07:26 AM
Eeyore was always my sister's favourite of all the Winnie the Pooh characters, and I think she may have been onto something; he was really the smartest and most sarcastic of the lot.
I could also watch the Bachelor on repeat for days! No matter how sucky it gets, I love every minute... total guilty pleasure.
Posted by: Vanessa | April 19, 2007 at 11:46 PM